home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Debian update-xmlcatalog
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Ardo van Rangelrooij
- ##
- ## This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2
- ## or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- =head1 NAME
- update-xmlcatalog - maintain XML catalog files
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--add> B<--root> S<B<--package> I<package>>
- S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--del> B<--root> S<B<--package> I<package>>
- S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--add> S<B<--package> I<package>> S<B<--local>
- I<local>> S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--del> S<B<--package> I<package>> S<B<--local>
- I<local>> S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--add> S<B<--local> I<local>> S<B<--file>
- I<file>> S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--del> S<B<--local> I<local>> S<B<--file>
- I<file>> S<B<--type> I<type>> S<B<--id> I<id>>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> B<--help>
- B<update-xmlcatalog> add entries to and removes entries from the root
- XML catalog file, a package XML catalog file or a local XML catalog
- file.
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over 4
- =item B<--add>
- Adds the entry to the root XML catalog file, a package XML catalog
- file or a local XML catalog file. If the XML catalog file does not
- exist yet, it is automatically created.
- =item B<--del>
- Deletes the entry from the root XML catalog file, the package XML
- catalog file or the local XML catalog file. A resulting empty XML
- catalog is not automatically deleted from the filesystem.
- =item B<--file> I<file>
- Indicates a local filename.
- =item B<--id> I<id>
- Indicates the XML catalog file entry identifier.
- =item B<--local> I<local>
- Indicates a local XML catalog file.
- =item B<--package> I<package>
- Indicates a package XML catalog file.
- =item B<--root>
- Indicates the root XML catalog file.
- =item B<--type> I<type>
- Indicates the XML catalog file entry type (public, system, uri).
- =item B<--help>
- Displays the usage information.
- =back
- =head1 NOTES
- B<update-xmlcatalog> is the de-facto standard tool to be used to
- maintain XML catalog files on a Debian system, similar to that
- L<update-catalog(8)> is the standard tool to be used to main SGML
- catalog files on a Debian system. A Debian XML Policy document to
- this effect is currently under development.
- B<update-xmlcatalog> and L<xmlcatalog(1)> are incompatible. The
- former has an internal database of all the entries in all the XML
- catalog files it maintains and regenerates the indicated XML catalog
- file completely from scratch upon an update. The latter updates the
- indicated XML catalog file directly. This means that any change made
- to an XML catalog file using L<xmlcatalog(1)> is overwritten the next
- time that XML catalog file is updated using B<update-xmlcatalog>.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- F</usr/share/doc/xml-core/README.Debian>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- B<Ardo van Rangelrooij> E<lt>ardo@debian.orgE<gt>
- =cut
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use strict;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use File::Spec;
- use Getopt::Long;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $0 =~ m|[^/]+$|;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $name = $&;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use vars qw( $catalog_data $catalog_data_dir );
- use vars qw( $catalog $catalog_dir );
- use vars qw( %catalog $key $entry );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $catalog_data_dir = '/var/lib/xml-core';
- $catalog_dir = '/etc/xml';
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use vars qw( $add );
- use vars qw( $del );
- use vars qw( $file );
- use vars qw( $help );
- use vars qw( $local );
- use vars qw( $package );
- use vars qw( $root );
- use vars qw( $type $id );
- use vars qw( $verbose );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! GetOptions(
- 'add' => \$add,
- 'del' => \$del,
- 'file=s' => \$file,
- 'help' => \$help,
- 'id=s' => \$id,
- 'local=s' => \$local,
- 'package=s' => \$package,
- 'root' => \$root,
- 'type=s' => \$type,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- )
- )
- {
- &help;
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( defined( $help ) )
- {
- &help;
- exit -1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! ( defined( $add ) || defined( $del ) ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: either 'add' or 'del' must be given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- elsif ( ( defined( $add ) && defined( $del ) ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: only one of 'add' and 'del' can be given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( defined( $add ) )
- {
- if ( defined( $root ) )
- {
- if ( defined( $package ) )
- {
- my $catalog = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_dir, "$package.xml" );
- if ( ! -f $catalog )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: package catalog $catalog not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: package catalog not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ( defined( $local) || defined( $file ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: local catalog and file not for adding to root catalog file\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $package ) )
- {
- if ( defined( $local ) )
- {
- if ( ! -f $local )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: local catalog $local not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: local catalog not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ( defined( $file ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: file not for adding to package catalog file\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $local ) )
- {
- if ( defined( $file ) )
- {
- if ( ! -f $file )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: file $file not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: file not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: catalog not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $del ) )
- {
- if ( defined( $root ) )
- {
- my $catalog = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_dir, 'catalog' );
- if ( ! -f $catalog )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: root catalog $catalog not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ( defined( $package) || defined( $local ) || defined( $file ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: package catalog, local catalog or file not for deleting from root catalog file\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $package ) )
- {
- my $catalog = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_dir, "$package.xml" );
- if ( ! -f $catalog )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: package catalog $catalog not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ( defined( $local ) || defined( $file ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: local catalog or file not for deleting from package catalog file\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $local ) )
- {
- if ( ! -f $local )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: local catalog $local not found\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ( defined( $file ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: file not for deleting from local catalog file\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: catalog not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( defined( $type ) )
- {
- if ( $type !~ /^(public|system|uri)$/ )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: wrong type\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: type not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! defined( $id ) )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: id not given\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( defined( $root ) )
- {
- $catalog = 'catalog';
- $catalog_data = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_data_dir, $catalog );
- $catalog = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_dir, $catalog );
- my $start = $type;
- $start .= 'Id' unless $type eq 'uri';
- $start .= 'StartString';
- $id = "$start=\"$id\"";
- $type = ( $type eq 'uri' ) ? "\U$type" : "\u$type";
- $type = "delegate$type";
- $package = "catalog=\"file:///etc/xml/$package.xml\"";
- $key = "$type $id";
- $entry = "$package";
- }
- elsif ( defined( $package ) )
- {
- $catalog_data = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_data_dir, $package );
- $catalog = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_dir, "$package.xml" );
- my $start = $type;
- $start .= 'Id' unless $type eq 'uri';
- $start .= 'StartString';
- $id = "$start=\"$id\"";
- $type = ( $type eq 'uri' ) ? "\U$type" : "\u$type";
- $type = "delegate$type";
- $local = "catalog=\"file://$local\"";
- $key = "$type $id";
- $entry = "$local";
- }
- elsif ( defined( $local ) )
- {
- $catalog = $local;
- $catalog_data = $local;
- $catalog_data =~ tr|/|_|;
- $catalog_data = File::Spec->catfile( $catalog_data_dir, $catalog_data );
- my $start = ( $type eq 'uri' ) ? 'name' : $type;
- $start .= 'Id' unless $type eq 'uri';
- $id = "$start=\"$id\"";
- $file = "uri=\"$file\"";
- $key = "$type $id";
- $entry = "$file";
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( defined( $add ) )
- {
- &read_catalog_data if -f $catalog_data;
- if ( &add_entry )
- {
- &create_backup if -f $catalog;
- &write_catalog_data;
- &write_catalog;
- }
- else
- {
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- elsif ( defined( $del ) )
- {
- &read_catalog_data;
- if ( &del_entry )
- {
- &create_backup;
- &write_catalog_data;
- &write_catalog;
- }
- else
- {
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- exit 0;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub add_entry
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( exists( $catalog{ $key } ) )
- {
- if ( $catalog{ $key } ne $entry )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: entity already registered with a different value\n";
- print STDERR " Entity : [$key]\n";
- print STDERR " Old value: [$catalog{$key}]\n";
- print STDERR " New value: [$entry]\n";
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: notice: entity already registered\n"
- if $verbose;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "$name: adding entity to catalog data $catalog_data with the same value\n"
- if $verbose;
- $catalog{ $key } = $entry;
- return 1;
- }
- } ## add_entry
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub del_entry
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( exists( $catalog{ $key } ) )
- {
- print "$name: removing entity from catalog data $catalog_data\n"
- if $verbose;
- delete( $catalog{ $key } );
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: error: entity not registered\n";
- return;
- }
- } ## del_entry
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub read_catalog_data
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print "$name: reading catalog data $catalog_data\n" if $verbose;
- open( CATALOG_DATA, '<', $catalog_data )
- or die "$name: cannot open catalog data $catalog_data for reading: $!";
- while ( <CATALOG_DATA> )
- {
- chop;
- my ( $key, $entry ) = split( />/ );
- $key =~ s/^<//;
- $entry =~ s/^<//;
- $catalog{ $key } = $entry;
- }
- close( CATALOG_DATA )
- or die "$name: cannot close catalog data $catalog_data: $!";
- } ## read_catalog_data
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub write_catalog_data
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print "$name: writing catalog data $catalog_data\n" if $verbose;
- open( CATALOG_DATA, '>', $catalog_data )
- or die "$name: cannot open catalog data $catalog_data for writing: $!";
- my $counter = 0;
- for my $key ( keys %catalog )
- {
- print( CATALOG_DATA "<$key><$catalog{ $key }>\n" );
- $counter++;
- }
- close( CATALOG_DATA )
- or die "$name: cannot close catalog data $catalog_data: $!";
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $counter == 0 )
- {
- print "$name: removing catalog data $catalog_data\n" if $verbose;
- unlink( $catalog_data );
- }
- } ## write_catalog_data
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub create_backup
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $backup = $catalog . '.old';
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( -f $backup )
- {
- print "$name: removing backup $backup\n" if $verbose;
- unlink( $backup )
- or die "$name: cannot remove backup $backup: $!";
- }
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print "$name: moving catalog $catalog to backup $backup\n" if $verbose;
- rename( $catalog, $backup )
- or die "$name: cannot move catalog $catalog to backup $backup: $!";
- } ## create_backup
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub write_catalog
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my @catalog = ();
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $header = '/usr/share/xml-core/catalog.header';
- open( HEADER, '<', $header )
- or die "$name: cannot open catalog header $header for reading: $!";
- while ( <HEADER> )
- {
- chop;
- push( @catalog, $_ );
- }
- close( HEADER )
- or die "$name: cannot close catalog header $header: $!";
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $counter = 0;
- for my $key ( keys %catalog )
- {
- push( @catalog, "<$key $catalog{ $key }/>" );
- $counter++;
- }
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $footer = '/usr/share/xml-core/catalog.footer';
- open( FOOTER, '<', $footer )
- or die "$name: cannot open catalog footer $footer for reading: $!";
- while ( <FOOTER> )
- {
- chop;
- push( @catalog, $_ );
- }
- close( FOOTER )
- or die "$name: cannot close catalog footer $footer: $!";
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print "$name: writing catalog $catalog\n" if $verbose;
- open( CATALOG, '>', $catalog )
- or die "$name: cannot open catalog $catalog for writing: $!";
- for ( @catalog )
- {
- print( CATALOG $_, "\n" );
- }
- close( CATALOG )
- or die "$name: cannot close catalog $catalog: $!";
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $counter == 0 )
- {
- print "$name: removing catalog $catalog\n" if $verbose;
- unlink( $catalog );
- }
- } ## write_catalog
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub help
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print <<END;
- Usage:
- $name <options> --add --root --type <type> \\
- --id <id> --package <package>
- $name <options> --del --root --type <type> \\
- --id <id>
- $name <options> --add --package <package> --type <type> \\
- --id <id> --local <local>
- $name <options> --del --package <package> --type <type> \\
- --id <id>
- $name <options> --add --local <local> --type <type> \\
- --id <id> --file <file>
- $name <options> --del --local <local> --type <type> \\
- --id <id>
- $name --help
- With:
- --file <file> = a local filename
- --id <id> = catalog entry idenitifier
- --local <local> = a local XML catalog
- --package <package> = a package XML catalog
- --root = the root XML catalog (= /etc/xml/catalog)
- --type <type> = catalog entry type (= public, system, uri)
- Options:
- --verbose = be verbose
- } ## help
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- __END__
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------